Wat.Edu is common project of 8 institutions from 4 countries. In each country one elementary school and one research/practical institution is involved. Our common goal is to educate children for the future challenges connected with water. Wat.Edu project follows up and further develops two ongoing regional projects Water Agent and Water Agent V 003.
The project´s main objective is to elaborate, test and gradually implement a new experiential, innovative, water-close learning material and pedagogy in participating educational institutions with the aim of improving students´ basic environmental awareness and competences mainly in relation with water-close environmental challenges. Developed intellectual outputs at environmental educational elements will be integrated in schools daily teaching practise through a multidisciplinary approach where pupils aged between 12 and 14 will be able to understand relevant water-close interlinks between different subjects: natural and social sciences, arts, water technology (as horizontal learning element involved in each subject). The emphasis is placed on following subjects: biology, chemistry, geography and art.